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- 100 dv=peek(186):if dv<8 then dv=8
- 105 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:printchr$(14)chr$(8):b=0
- 110 gosub840
- 115 dimx(300),p$(10,10,10)
- 120 print"[147][212]he main menu is:":print
- 125 print"[159]1[146] [201]ntroduction (recommended reading)":print
- 130 print"[159]2[146] [196]emonstration of computer enciphering";:print
- 135 print"[159]3[146] [196]emonstration of computer deciphering"
- 140 print"[159]4[146] [208]rinting cipher sheets":print
- 145 print"[159]5[146] [197]xit to [199]azette [196]isk":print
- 150 print"[195]hoose [159]1[146] to [159]5[146]."
- 155 geta$:ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"anda$<>"3"anda$<>"4"anda$<>"5"then155
- 160 ifa$="1"then200
- 165 ifa$="2"then970
- 170 ifa$="3"then1895
- 175 ifa$="4"then2675
- 180 ifa$="5"thenprint"[147][196]o you wish to quit? (y/n)"
- 185 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"[206]"then185
- 190 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then785
- 195 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then120
- 200 print"[147][159] [212]he [213]nbreakable [195]ipher"
- 205 print" by [202]ames [212]. [202]ones ":print
- 210 print"[201]n cryptography there is a technique":print
- 215 print"for enciphering plaintext called the":print
- 220 print"one-time sheet (or ots). [212]he basic":print
- 225 print"idea underlying the method is to use":print
- 230 print"random arrays of letters, numbers,":print
- 235 print"spaces and punctuation marks (if any) by"
- 240 print"means of which ciphertext is prepared."
- 245 print"[159][208]ress <space> to continue."
- 250 geta$:ifa$<>" "then250
- 255 print"[147][206]o element of the arrays is ever":print
- 260 print"used more than once. [193] statistical":print
- 265 print"analysis of the occurrences of elements":print
- 270 print"or the numbers representing them":print
- 275 print"will therefore not readily yield":print
- 280 print"useful information for breaking the":print
- 285 print"cipher.":print
- 290 print"[212]he person preparing the cipher-":print
- 295 print"text and the recipient(s) are":print
- 300 print"assumed to have duplicate copies":print
- 305 print"of the cipher arrays."
- 310 print"[159][208]ress <space> to continue."
- 315 geta$:ifa$<>" "then315
- 320 print"[147]":restore:a=0:gosub680
- 325 print"[204]et us consider a specific example.":print
- 330 print"[193] set of arrays can consist of up to":print
- 335 print"ten arrays numbered from 0 to 9. [197]ach":print
- 340 print"array consists of ten columns (0-9)":print
- 345 print"and ten rows (0-9)."
- 350 print"[159][208]ress <space> to continue."
- 355 geta$:ifa$<>" "then355
- 360 print"[147]":restore:a=0:gosub680
- 365 print"[196]ifferent sets of arrays are numbered";:print
- 370 print"sequentially beginning with 1. [201]n this":print
- 375 print"example, the set of arrays consists of":print
- 380 print"a single array, array 0[146].":print
- 385 print"[159][208]ress <space> to continue."
- 390 geta$:ifa$<>" "then390
- 395 print"[147]":restore:a=0:gosub680
- 400 print"[212]he element of array 0[146] corresponding":print
- 405 print"to [158]row 0 and [158]column 0 is the number "chr$(34)"2"chr$(34)"."
- 410 print"[212]he element corresponding to [158]row 8 and":print
- 415 print"[158]column 5 is "chr$(34)"l"chr$(34)".
- 420 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 425 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]425
- 430 [153]"load":[140]:a[178]0:[141]680
- 435 [153]"atnn element in a given array is speci-";:[153]
- 440 [153]"fied by sys(a)(r)(c) where sys(a), sys(r), and":[153]
- 445 [153]"sys(c) are the array number, row number and";:[153]
- 450 [153]"column number, respectively. left$ence, sys076";:[153]
- 455 [153]"would represent "[199](34)"o"[199](34)" in the above array."
- 460 [153]"open(NULL)ress <space> to continue."
- 465 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]465
- 470 [153]"loadvalnciphered characters are repre-":[153]
- 475 [153]"sented by three-digit groups, of the ":[153]
- 480 [153]"form sys(a)(r)(c), written adjacently":[153]
- 485 [153]"without intervening spaces. ascor example,"
- 490 [153]"sys012145 would represent two three-digit":[153]
- 495 [153]"groups of the form":[153]
- 500 [153]"sys(a1)(r1)(c1)(a2)(r2)(c2)":[153]
- 505 [153]"with sys(a1)=0,sys (r1)=1,sys (c1)=2, sys(a2)=1,":[153]
- 510 [153]"sys(r2)=4 and sys(c2)=5."
- 515 [153]"open(NULL)ress <space> to continue."
- 520 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]520
- 525 [153]"load":[140]:a[178]0:[141]680
- 530 [153]"right$n the above array, the six-digit":[153]
- 535 [153]"group, sys013029, represents the word "[199](34)"it"[199](34)"."
- 540 [153]"(NULL)he element corresponding tosys row 1,":[153]
- 545 [153]"syscolumn 3 is "[199](34)"i"[199](34)". sys(NULL)ow 2 and syscolumn 9":[153]
- 550 [153]"specify the element "[199](34)"t"[199](34)"."
- 555 [153]"open(NULL)ress <space> to continue."
- 560 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]560
- 565 [153]"load(NULL)o element of a given array should"
- 570 [153]"ever be used more than once, because"
- 575 [153]"repetition of its row and column could"
- 580 [153]"conceivably assist in breaking the"
- 585 [153]"cipher. right$f the same number or letter"
- 590 [153]"is used multiple times, different"
- 595 [153]"array numbers, rows and columns are"
- 600 [153]"found successively for enciphered"
- 605 [153]"representation. right$n this way, for a"
- 610 [153]"given array, a particular row and"
- 615 [153]"column are used once and only once."
- 620 [153]"(NULL)hen using printed arrays, always"
- 625 [153]"cross off each element as it is used."
- 630 [153]"(NULL)his program requires that plain-"
- 635 [153]"text be entered using only lower case"
- 640 [153]"letters of the valnglish alphabet and"
- 645 [153]"the numbers 0 to 9. (NULL)o spaces are"
- 650 [153]"allowed. (NULL)ubroutines have been intro-"
- 655 [153]"duced to accomplish this purpose."
- 660 [151]214,21:[153]
- 665 [153]"open(NULL)ress <space> to return to main menu"
- 670 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]670
- 675 [137]120
- 680 [153]"loadopenset of arrays #" 1:[153]
- 685 [153]"openoncolumn--->sys0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
- 690 [129]r[178]0[164]9:[129]c[178]0[164]9
- 695 [135] p$(a,r,c)
- 700 [130]c,r
- 705 [129] r[178]0 [164] 9
- 710 [153]"sys"[166]09)r;:[129] c[178]0[164]9
- 715 [153]" "p$(a,r,c);:[130]c:[153]
- 720 [130] r
- 725 [153]"ononononononarray" 0"wait"
- 730 [131] 2,e,s,p,r,g,m,z,z,t
- 735 [131] u,a,z,i,y,v,p,w,a,k
- 740 [131] 9,m,v,a,n,q,s,b,9,t
- 745 [131] m,g,o,h,5,f,1,z,f,o
- 750 [131] s,1,b,q,h,8,o,2,9,w
- 755 [131] 9,s,r,4,u,4,y,5,l,3
- 760 [131] n,7,r,c,p,a,g,b,6,q
- 765 [131] p,1,3,y,1,3,o,d,m,s
- 770 [131] a,5,d,g,n,l,z,5,6,0
- 775 [131] 4,u,3,d,v,1,x,e,j,g
- 780 [142]
- 785 [143] exit to gazette disk for 64 users
- 790 [153]"loadpeeke sure the chr$azette str$isk is in":[153]
- 795 [153]"the disk drive and press sys<(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>."
- 800 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177][199](13)[167]800
- 805 [160]15:[159]15,dv,15,"r0:menu=menu":[132]15,e:[160]15:[139]e[179][177]63[167]830
- 810 [153]"load":[151]214,12:[153]:[153]"(NULL)oading (NULL)enu of chr$azette str$isk for 64":[153]
- 815 [153]"(NULL)sers....(NULL)lease standby...":[129]t[178]1[164]5000:[130]
- 820 [151]646,[194](53281):[153]"load"[199](34)"menu"[199](34)","dv",1"
- 825 [151]631,13:[151]198,1:[128]
- 830 [153]"(NULL)orry! (NULL)he file "[199](34)"menu"[199](34)" was not found!":[128]
- 835 [143] format a disk
- 840 [153]"load(NULL)his program requires a newly":[153]
- 845 [153]"formatted disk or a disk with at least":[153]
- 850 [153]"100 blocks free.":[153]
- 855 [153]"str$o you wish to format a disk? (y/n)":[153]
- 860 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[167]860
- 865 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]115
- 870 [153]"load(NULL)emove the chr$azette str$isk from the":[153]
- 875 [153]"the disk drive and insert the disk":[153]
- 880 [153]"to be formatted.":[153]
- 885 [141]3420:[141]3355
- 890 [153]"syslenaution: the disk will be erased.":[153]
- 895 [153]"peeke sure the disk drive is powered and":[153]
- 900 [153]"properly connected. (NULL)lease press":[153]
- 905 [153]"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)waitsys to proceed with formatting":[153]
- 910 [153]"when the disk drive is ready."
- 915 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177][199](13)[167]915
- 920 [153]"(NULL)ame of disk:wait":[153]
- 925 le[178]16:al[178]1:nu[178]1:[141]3495:dn$[178]z$
- 930 [153]"str$isk id:wait":[153]
- 935 le[178]2:al[178]1:nu[178]1:[141]3495:id$[178]z$
- 940 [153]"load(NULL)lease wait....formatting...":[153]:[153]
- 945 [160]15:[159]15,dv,15,"n0:"[170]dn$[170]","[170]id$:[160]15
- 950 [159]15,dv,15:[132]15,e,e$,t,s:[160]15:[139]e[178]0[167][142]
- 955 [141]3420:[141]3355:[153]:[153]e;e$;t;s:[153]
- 960 [153]"str$rive error!":[129]t[178]1[164]5000:[130]
- 965 [142]
- 970 [140]:[141]2430
- 975 [153]"loadright$f necessary, remove the chr$azette str$isk":[153]
- 980 [153]"from the drive and insert a disk":[153]
- 985 [153]"with at least 100 blocks free.":[153]
- 990 [151]214,20:[153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 995 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]995
- 1000 [143] program to encipher plaintext
- 1005 [151]53280,6:[151]53281,6
- 1010 [153]"loadright$n enciphering plaintext, it is":[153]
- 1015 [153]"customary to omit spaces between words":[153]
- 1020 [153]"and punctuation marks, because these":[153]
- 1025 [153]"may facilitate 'breaking' the cipher.":[153]
- 1030 [153]"ascor example, 'subscribe to chr$azette!'":[153]
- 1035 [153]"would be written as":[153]
- 1040 [153]" 'subscribetogazette'.":[153]
- 1045 [153]"right$n the introduction, it was":[153]
- 1050 [153]"pointed out that a letter or number is":[153]
- 1055 [153]"represented by a three-digit group of":[153]
- 1060 [153]"the form sys(a)(r)(c), where sys(a), sys(r)":[153]
- 1065 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1070 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1070
- 1075 [153]"loadand sys(c) are the array, row and":[153]
- 1080 [153]"column numbers, respectively.":[153]
- 1085 [153]"(NULL)laintext is enciphered into a se-":[153]
- 1090 [153]"quence of three-digit groups of the form"
- 1095 [153]"sys(a1)(r1)(c1)(a2)(r2)(c2)(a3)(r3)(c3)...":[153]
- 1100 [153]"where the subscripts indicate different":[153]
- 1105 [153]"array, row and column numbers.":[153]
- 1110 [153]"(NULL)he digits are written in a":[153]
- 1115 [153]"continuous sequence, with no intervening"
- 1120 [153]"spaces.":[153]
- 1125 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1130 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1130
- 1135 [153]"loadsysright$s the disk drive ready?":[153]
- 1140 [141]3365
- 1145 [153]"syspeeke sure that the printer is powered":[153]
- 1150 [153]"and properly connected as device 4."
- 1155 [159]15,4,15:[160]15:[139] st[179][177]0 [167] [141]3335
- 1160 [139]st[178]0[167]1200
- 1165 [153]"sys(NULL)hen your printer is ready press":[153]
- 1170 [153]"<(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 1175 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177][199](13)[167]1175
- 1180 [159]15,4,15:[160]15:[139] st[179][177]0 [167] [141]3355
- 1185 [139]st[178]0[167]1200
- 1190 [141]3420 :[153]"load":[153]:[153]"open(NULL)here are still problems with your"
- 1195 [153]"printer. (NULL)orry!":[129]t[178]1[164]5000:[130]:[137]120
- 1200 [151]214,20:[153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1205 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1205
- 1210 [153]"load(NULL)et us consider a specific example.":[153]
- 1215 [153]:[153]"atn message number (1-999) is assigned":[153]
- 1220 [153]"to each enciphered message corres-":[153]
- 1225 [153]"ponding to plaintext. (NULL)sually,":[153]
- 1230 [153]"messages are numbered sequentially,":[153]
- 1235 [153]"beginning with 1.":[153]
- 1240 [153]"atnt the special cursor, type the":[153]
- 1245 [153]"message number and press open<(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 1250 le[178]3:al[178]0:nu[178]1:[141]3445:m$[178]z$:m[178][195](m$):[139]m[179][177]0[167]1270
- 1255 [153]"(NULL)o message # was entered! (NULL)ry again!"
- 1260 [141]3355:[141]3420:[129]t[178]0[164]4000:[130]
- 1265 [137]1210
- 1270 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1275 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1275
- 1280 [153]"loadatnt the special cursor, type the":[153]
- 1285 [153]"plaintext gazettewait and pressopen <(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 1290 le[178]253:al[178]1:nu[178]1:[141]3445:e$[178]z$:n[178][195](e$):[139]n[179][177]0[167]1310
- 1295 [153]"(NULL)o plaintext was entered! (NULL)ry again!"
- 1300 [141]3355:[141]3420:[129]t[178]0[164]4000:[130]
- 1305 [137]1280
- 1310 [160]15:[159]15,dv,15,"i0":[160]15
- 1315 [153]:[159]1,4:[159]2,dv,2,"0:message #"[170]m$[170]",s,w"
- 1320 [152]1,"message #"[170]m$:[152]1:[152]1,e$:[152]1
- 1325 j[178]1
- 1330 [140]
- 1335 a$(0)[178]"0":a$(1)[178]"1":a$(2)[178]"2":a$(3)[178]"3":a$(4)[178]"4":a$(5)[178]"5":a$(6)[178]"6"
- 1340 a$(7)[178]"7":a$(8)[178]"8":a$(9)[178]"9":r$(0)[178]"0":r$(1)[178]"1":r$(2)[178]"2":r$(3)[178]"3"
- 1345 r$(4)[178]"4":r$(5)[178]"5":r$(6)[178]"6":r$(7)[178]"7":r$(8)[178]"8":r$(9)[178]"9":c$(0)[178]"0"
- 1350 c$(1)[178]"1":c$(2)[178]"2":c$(3)[178]"3":c$(4)[178]"4":c$(5)[178]"5":c$(6)[178]"6":c$(7)[178]"7"
- 1355 c$(8)[178]"8":c$(9)[178]"9"
- 1360 [129]r[178]0[164]9
- 1365 [129]c[178]0[164]9:[135]a$:[130]c
- 1370 [130]r
- 1375 [129]a[178]0[164]9:[129]r[178]0[164]9:[129]c[178]0[164]9
- 1380 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][153]a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1385 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][152]2,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1390 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][152]1,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1395 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167]p$(a,r,c)[178]" ":j[178]j[170]1:[139]j[177]n[167]1445
- 1400 [139]a[178]9[175]r[178]9[175]c[178]9[175]j[179]n[167]1410
- 1405 [130]c,r,a
- 1410 [129]a[178]0[164]9:[129]r[178]0[164]9:[129]c[178]0[164]9
- 1415 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][153]a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1420 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][152]2,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1425 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167][152]1,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1430 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](e$,j,1)[167]p$(a,r,c)[178]" ":j[178]j[170]1:[139]j[177]n[167]1445
- 1435 [139]a[178]9[175]r[178]9[175]c[178]9[175]j[179]n[167]1410
- 1440 [130]c,r,a
- 1445 [160]2:[152]1:[152]1:[160]1
- 1450 [153]:[153]:[153]"(NULL)he enciphered message corresponding":[153]
- 1455 [153]"to the plaintext gazettewait is:":[153]
- 1460 [153]" 023sys034257sys298395sys397440wait ":[153]
- 1465 [153]"where the three-digit groups have been":[153]
- 1470 [153]"displayed in alternating colors for":[153]
- 1475 [153]"clarity."
- 1480 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1485 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1485
- 1490 [153]"loadvalach three-digit group in the":[153]
- 1495 [153]"enciphered message represents a letter":[153]
- 1500 [153]"in the plaintext gazettewait.":[153]
- 1505 [153]"(NULL)he message number, the plaintext":[153]
- 1510 [153]"and the corresponding enciphered message"
- 1515 [153]"have been printed for future reference.":[153]
- 1520 [153]"(NULL)he enciphered message is also":[153]
- 1525 [153]"recorded on the disk as a sequential":[153]
- 1530 [153]"file.":[153]
- 1535 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1540 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1540
- 1545 [153]"load(NULL)ould you like to enter a plaintext":[153]
- 1550 [153]"statement to obtain the enciphered":[153]
- 1555 [153]"message? (y/n) (NULL)he plaintext may be":[153]
- 1560 [153]"up to 254 characters in length.":[153]
- 1565 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[167]1565
- 1570 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]1580
- 1575 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]120
- 1580 [153]"loadatnt the special cursor, enter the":[153]
- 1585 [153]"message number and press open<(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 1590 le[178]3:al[178]0:nu[178]1:[141]3445:m1$[178]z$:m1[178][195](m1$):[139]m1[179][177]0[167]1610
- 1595 [153]"(NULL)o message # was entered! (NULL)ry again!"
- 1600 [141]3355:[141]3420:[129]t[178]0[164]4000:[130]
- 1605 [137]1580
- 1610 [151]214,21:[153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1615 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1615
- 1620 [153]:[153]"loadatnt the special cursor, type the":[153]
- 1625 [153]"plaintext statement and pressopen <(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 1630 [153]"(NULL)he plaintext should be less than 255":[153]
- 1635 [153]"characters in length. peeke sure that":[153]
- 1640 [153]"there are no spaces or punctuation":[153]
- 1645 [153]"marks in the plaintext.":[153]
- 1650 [141]1745
- 1655 [153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1660 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1660
- 1665 [153]"loadstr$o you wish to:":[153]:[153]
- 1670 [153]"open1wait run this section again?":[153]
- 1675 [153]"open2wait encipher a plaintext statement?":[153]
- 1680 [153]"open3wait return to main menu?":[153]
- 1685 [153]"open4wait exit to chr$azette str$isk? peeke sure to"
- 1690 [153]"place the proper disk in the disk"
- 1695 [153]"drive.":[153]:[153]
- 1700 [153]"(NULL)ress open1wait, open2wait, open3wait or open4wait."
- 1705 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"1"[175]a$[179][177]"2"[175]a$[179][177]"3"[175]a$[179][177]"4"[167]1705
- 1710 [139]a$[178]"1"[167]1000
- 1715 [139]a$[178]"2"[167]1580
- 1720 [139]a$[178]"3"[167]120
- 1725 [139]a$[178]"4"[167][153]"loadstr$o you wish to quit? (y/n)"
- 1730 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[167]1730
- 1735 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]785
- 1740 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]1665
- 1745 le[178]254:al[178]1:nu[178]1:[141]3445:q$[178]z$:n[178][195](q$):[139]n[179][177]0[167]1765
- 1750 [153]"(NULL)o plaintext was entered! (NULL)ry again!"
- 1755 [141]3355:[141]3420:[129]t[178]0[164]4000:[130]
- 1760 [137]1620
- 1765 [160]15:[159]15,dv,15,"i0":[160]15
- 1770 [153]:[159]1,4:[159]2,dv,2,"0:message #"[170]m1$[170]",s,w"
- 1775 [152]1,"message #"[170]m1$:[152]1:[152]1,q$:[152]1
- 1780 j[178]1
- 1785 [140]
- 1790 a$(0)[178]"0":a$(1)[178]"1":a$(2)[178]"2":a$(3)[178]"3":a$(4)[178]"4":a$(5)[178]"5":a$(6)[178]"6"
- 1795 a$(7)[178]"7":a$(8)[178]"8":a$(9)[178]"9":r$(0)[178]"0":r$(1)[178]"1":r$(2)[178]"2":r$(3)[178]"3"
- 1800 r$(4)[178]"4":r$(5)[178]"5":r$(6)[178]"6":r$(7)[178]"7":r$(8)[178]"8":r$(9)[178]"9":c$(0)[178]"0"
- 1805 c$(1)[178]"1":c$(2)[178]"2":c$(3)[178]"3":c$(4)[178]"4":c$(5)[178]"5":c$(6)[178]"6":c$(7)[178]"7"
- 1810 c$(8)[178]"8":c$(9)[178]"9"
- 1815 [129]a[178]0[164]9:[129]r[178]0[164]9:[129]c[178]0[164]9
- 1820 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][153]a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1825 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][152]2,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1830 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][152]1,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1835 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167]p$(a,r,c)[178]" ":j[178]j[170]1:[139]j[177]n[167]1885
- 1840 [139]a[178]9[175]r[178]9[175]c[178]9[175]j[179]n[167]1850
- 1845 [130]c,r,a
- 1850 [129]a[178]0[164]9:[129]r[178]0[164]9:[129]c[178]0[164]9
- 1855 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][153]a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1860 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][152]2,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1865 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167][152]1,a$(a)r$(r)c$(c);
- 1870 [139]p$(a,r,c)[178][202](q$,j,1)[167]p$(a,r,c)[178]" ":j[178]j[170]1:[139]j[177]n[167]1885
- 1875 [139]a[178]9[175]r[178]9[175]c[178]9[175]j[179]n[167]1850
- 1880 [130]c,r,a
- 1885 [160]2:[152]1:[152]1:[160]1
- 1890 [142]
- 1895 [143] program for deciphering messages
- 1900 [140]:[141]2430
- 1905 [153]"load(NULL)ould you like to:":[153]:[153]
- 1910 [153]"open1wait run the demonstration program for deciphering a message?
- 1915 print:print"[159]2[146] decipher a message prepared in the preceding ";
- 1920 print"section?"
- 1925 print:print:print"[208]ress [159]1[146] or [159]2[146].
- 1930 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"1"[175]a$[179][177]"2"[167]1930
- 1935 [139]a$[178]"1"[167]2010
- 1940 [139]a$[178]"2"[167]1945
- 1945 [141]2555
- 1950 [153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 1955 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1955
- 1960 [153]"load(NULL)ould you like to decipher another":[153]
- 1965 [153]"message for which a message number":[153]
- 1970 [153]"has been assigned? (y/n)"
- 1975 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[175]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[167]1975
- 1980 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]1990
- 1985 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]2310
- 1990 [141]2555
- 1995 [153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 2000 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2000
- 2005 [137]2310
- 2010 [153]"loadright$n the introduction, it was":[153]
- 2015 [153]"pointed out that a letter or number is":[153]
- 2020 [153]"represented by a three-digit group of":[153]
- 2025 [153]"the form sys(a)(r)(c), where sys(a), sys(r)":[153]
- 2030 [153]"and sys(c) are the array, row and":[153]
- 2035 [153]"column numbers, respectively.":[153]
- 2040 [153]"(NULL)laintext is enciphered into a se-":[153]
- 2045 [153]"quence of three-digit groups of the form"
- 2050 [153]"sys(a1)(r1)(c1)(a2)(r2)(c2)(a3)(r3)(c3)...":[153]
- 2055 [153]"where the subscripts indicate different":[153]
- 2060 [153]"array, row and column numbers."
- 2065 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue."
- 2070 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2070
- 2075 [153]"load(NULL)he digits are written in a":[153]
- 2080 [153]"continuous sequence, with no inter-":[153]
- 2085 [153]"vening spaces.":[153]
- 2090 [153]"(NULL)he following procedure allows the":[153]
- 2095 [153]"plaintext corresponding to an enciphered";:[153]
- 2100 [153]"message of this form to be obtained":[153]
- 2105 [153]"by direct keyboard input. atnt most,":[153]
- 2110 [153]"84 three-digit groups (or 252 digits)":[153]
- 2115 [153]"may be entered."
- 2120 [151]214,22:[153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 2125 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2125
- 2130 [153]"loadright$n using the program for enciphering":[153]
- 2135 [153]"plaintext, the following enciphered":[153]
- 2140 [153]"message was obtained:":[153]
- 2145 [153]" sys023open034sys257open298sys395open397sys4400wait ":[153]
- 2150 [153]"where the three-digit groups, each":[153]
- 2155 [153]"representing a letter or number, have":[153]
- 2160 [153]"been highlighted in different colors.":[153]
- 2165 [153]"valnciphered messages of up to 84":[153]
- 2170 [153]"three-digit groups may be (tediously)":[153]
- 2175 [153]"deciphered.":[153]
- 2180 [153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 2185 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2185
- 2190 [153]"load(NULL)he example message is:":[153]
- 2195 [153]" sys023open034sys257open298sys395open397sys440wait ":[153]
- 2200 [153]"atnt the special cursor, enter the":[153]
- 2205 [153]"above sequence of digits exactly as":[153]
- 2210 [153]"shown and press <(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)>.":[153]
- 2215 le[178]252:al[178]0:nu[178]1:[141]3445:c$[178]z$
- 2220 [153]:[153]"(NULL)he plaintext corresponding to":[153]
- 2225 [153]"this enciphered message is:":[153]
- 2230 [141]2485
- 2235 [153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue."
- 2240 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2240
- 2245 [137]2310
- 2250 [153]"load(NULL)he message is:":[153]
- 2255 [153]"sys070open095sys303open538sys551open556sys595open659sys705open742"
- 2260 [153]"sys748open772sys786open790sys933open004sys253open294sys601open650wait":[153]
- 2265 [153]"with no intervening spaces. atns before,":[153]
- 2270 [153]"at the special cursor enter a continuous"
- 2275 [153]"sequence of digits and press <return>.":[153]
- 2280 le[178]252:al[178]0:nu[178]1:[141]3445:d$[178]z$
- 2285 [153]:[153]"(NULL)he plaintext (with no spaces!)":[153]
- 2290 [153]"corresponding to this message is:":[153]
- 2295 [141]2520
- 2300 [153]:[153]"open (NULL)ress <space> to continue"
- 2305 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]2305
- 2310 [153]"load(NULL)ould you like to:":[153]:[153]
- 2315 [153]"open1wait run the demonstration program?"
- 2320 [153]:[153]"open2wait decipher another message by direct keyboard";
- 2325 [153]" input?"
- 2330 [153]:[153]"open3wait decipher a message prepared in the section on";
- 2335 [153]" enciphering?"
- 2340 [153]:[153]"open4wait return to the main menu?"
- 2345 [153]:[153]"open5wait return to chr$azette str$isk?"
- 2350 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ress open1wait, open2wait, open3wait, open4wait or open5wait.
- 2355 geta$:ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"anda$<>"3"anda$<>"4"anda$<>"5"then2355
- 2360 ifa$="1"then2010
- 2365 ifa$="2"thenb=b+1:ifb<=1then2250
- 2370 ifa$="2"thenifb>1then2405
- 2375 ifa$="3"then1945
- 2380 ifa$="4"then120
- 2385 ifa$="5"thenprint"[147][196]o you wish to quit? (y/n)"
- 2390 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"[206]"then2390
- 2395 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then785
- 2400 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then2310
- 2405 gosub3420:print"[147][212]here are no more examples to":print
- 2410 print"decipher by direct keyboard input.":print
- 2415 print"[193]s an exercise, try making up some":print
- 2420 print"of your own!"
- 2425 for t=1to6000:next:goto2310
- 2430 rem read data for enciphering plaintext or deciphering message
- 2435 print"[147][159][208]lease wait....[210]eading data..."
- 2440 forr=0to9
- 2445 forc=0to9:reada$:nextc
- 2450 nextr
- 2455 fora=0to9
- 2460 for r=0to9
- 2465 forc=0to9:readp$(a,r,c):nextc
- 2470 next r
- 2475 nexta
- 2480 return
- 2485 forj=1tolen(c$)
- 2490 x(j)=val(mid$(c$,j,1))
- 2495 nextj
- 2500 fork=1tolen(c$)step3
- 2505 print"[158]"p$(x(k),x(k+1),x(k+2));:fort=1to50:next
- 2510 nextk
- 2515 return
- 2520 forj=1tolen(d$)
- 2525 x(j)=val(mid$(d$,j,1))
- 2530 nextj
- 2535 fork=1tolen(d$)step3
- 2540 print"[158]"p$(x(k),x(k+1),x(k+2));:fort=1to50:next
- 2545 nextk
- 2550 return
- 2555 print"[147][212]o decipher a message which has been":print
- 2560 print"assigned a message number, at the":print
- 2565 print"special cursor enter the message number":print
- 2570 print"and press <[210][197][212][213][210][206]>.":print
- 2575 le=3:al=0:nu=1:gosub3445:m$=z$
- 2580 open3,dv,3,"message #"+m$:close3:open15,dv,15:input#15,e:close15
- 2585 ife=0then2605
- 2590 gosub3420:print"[205]ake sure your have the disk with"
- 2595 print"the numbered message in the drive and "
- 2600 print"try again.":forx=1to6000:next:goto2555
- 2605 open2,dv,2,"message #"+m$
- 2610 j=1
- 2615 fork=0to1
- 2620 get#2,a$:k=st
- 2625 x(j)=val(a$)
- 2630 j=j+1
- 2635 nextk
- 2640 close2
- 2645 print"[212]he plaintext corresponding to":print
- 2650 print"the deciphered message is:":print
- 2655 forl=1toj-2step3
- 2660 print"[158]"p$(x(l),x(l+1),x(l+2));
- 2665 nextl
- 2670 return
- 2675 rem create and print sets of cipher arrays
- 2680 print"[147][201]f necessary, remove the":print
- 2685 print"[199]azette [196]isk from the disk drive":print
- 2690 print"and insert a newly formatted disk":print
- 2695 print"or a disk with at least 100 blocks":print
- 2700 print"free."
- 2705 poke214,21:print: print"[158] [208]ress <space> to continue"
- 2710 geta$:ifa$<>" "then2710
- 2715 print"[147][158][201]s the disk drive ready?":print
- 2720 print"[194]e sure your printer is powered and ":print
- 2725 print"properly connected as device 4 and":print
- 2730 print"that there is enough paper. ([212]en":print
- 2735 print"cipher arrays require three 8.5x11":print
- 2740 print"inch sheets.) [208]osition the print":print
- 2745 print"head at the top of the page.":print
- 2750 gosub3365
- 2755 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>.thengosub3335
- 2760 ifst=0then2795
- 2765 print"[158][215]hen your printer is ready press <[210][197][212][213][210][206]>.":print
- 2770 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then2770
- 2775 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>.thengosub3355
- 2780 ifst=0then2795
- 2785 print"[147]":print:print"[159][212]here are still problems with your"
- 2790 print"printer. [211]orry!":goto120
- 2795 poke214,22:print:print"[159] [208]ress <space> to continue"
- 2800 geta$:ifa$<>" "then2800
- 2805 print:print"[147][196]uplicate sets of cipher arrays are":print
- 2810 print"printed: one set for you and another":print
- 2815 print"set for the recipient of your":print
- 2820 print"enciphered messages and vice versa.":print
- 2825 print"[212]o number sets of cipher arrays, start"
- 2830 print"with 1 and number the sets sequentially."
- 2835 print"[193]t the special cursor, enter the":print
- 2840 print"number of this set of arrays:":print
- 2845 le=3:al=0:nu=1:gosub3445:c$=z$
- 2850 print"[193]t the special cursor, enter the":print
- 2855 print"number (1-10) of cipher arrays to":print
- 2860 print"be printed:":print
- 2865 le=2:al=0:nu=1:gosub3445:n$=z$:n=val(n$):print"[147]"
- 2870 open1,4:open2,dv,2,"0:cipher array"+c$+",s,w"
- 2875 if n<=4then2890
- 2880 ifn<=8then2920
- 2885 ifn<=10then2965
- 2890 print"[159]set of arrays #" c$
- 2895 print#1,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2900 print#2,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2905 fora=0ton-1:gosub3215
- 2910 next a
- 2915 goto3025
- 2920 print"[159]set of arrays #" c$
- 2925 print#1,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2930 print#2,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2935 for a=0to3:gosub3215
- 2940 nexta
- 2945 for x=1to15:print#1:next:forx=1to15:print#2:next
- 2950 for a=4ton-1:gosub3215
- 2955 nexta
- 2960 goto3025
- 2965 print"[159]set of arrays #" c$
- 2970 print#1,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2975 print#2,"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"spc(25)"set of arrays #" c$"[146]"
- 2980 for a=0to3:gosub3215
- 2985 nexta
- 2990 forx=1to15:print#1:next:fort=1to15:print#2:next
- 2995 for a=4to7:gosub3215
- 3000 nexta
- 3005 forx=1to15:print#1:next:fort=1to15:print#2:next
- 3010 fora=8ton-1:gosub3215
- 3015 nexta
- 3020 goto3025
- 3025 close2:print#1:close1:close15:open15,dv,15,"i0":close15
- 3030 n$="[159] [208]ress <space> to continue":printn$
- 3035 geta$:ifa$<>" "then3035
- 3040 print"[147]":print
- 3045 print"[158][194]e sure your printer is powered and"
- 3050 print"properly connected.":print
- 3055 print"[215]ould you like to print additional"
- 3060 print"copies of this set or a previous set of cipher arrays? (y/n)":print
- 3065 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"[206]"then3065
- 3070 if a$="y"ora$="[217]"then3080
- 3075 if a$="n"ora$="[206]"then3180
- 3080 print"[193]t the special cursor, specify"
- 3085 print"the number previously assigned to"
- 3090 print"the set of cipher arrays:":print
- 3095 le=3:al=0:nu=1:gosub3445:c$=z$
- 3100 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>.thengosub3335
- 3105 ifst=0then3140
- 3110 print"[158][215]hen your printer is ready press <[210][197][212][213][210][206]>.":print
- 3115 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then3115
- 3120 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>.thengosub3355
- 3125 ifst=0then3140
- 3130 print"[147][158][212]here are still problems with your":print
- 3135 print"printer. [211]orry!":goto120
- 3140 print:print"[159][208]lease wait....now printing":print
- 3145 print"set of cipher arrays...."
- 3150 open2,dv,2,"cipher array"+c$:open1,4
- 3155 fork=0to1
- 3160 get#2,a$:k=st
- 3165 print#1,a$;:fort=1to40:next
- 3170 nextk
- 3175 close2:print#1:close1:close15:open15,dv,15,"i0":close15
- 3180 print"[147]":print"[215]ould you like to":print
- 3185 print"[159]1[146] run a new set of cipher arrays?"
- 3190 print"[159]2[146] return to main menu?"
- 3195 print"[208]ress [159]1[146] or [159]2[146]."
- 3200 geta$:ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"then3200
- 3205 ifa$="1"then2715
- 3210 ifa$="2"then120
- 3215 print#1,"array" a"[146] array" a"[146]"
- 3220 print#2,"array" a"[146] array" a"[146]"
- 3225 l$="[159][145]column--->[158]0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
- 3230 q$="column--->0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 column--->0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
- 3235 print""l$:print#1,q$:print#2,q$
- 3240 gosub3250:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]array" a"[146]"
- 3245 return
- 3250 rem subroutine to generate random elements for cipher arrays
- 3255 forr=0to9:forc=0to9:
- 3260 p$(a,r,c)=chr$(int(rnd(0)*43+48))
- 3265 nextc,r
- 3270 for r=0 to 9
- 3275 print"[158]"spc(09)r;:for c=0to9
- 3280 ifp$(a,r,c)=":"orp$(a,r,c)=";"thenp$(a,r,c)=chr$(int(rnd(0)*26+65))
- 3285 ifp$(a,r,c)="<"orp$(a,r,c)="="thenp$(a,r,c)=chr$(int(rnd(0)*26+65))
- 3290 ifp$(a,r,c)=">"orp$(a,r,c)="?"thenp$(a,r,c)=chr$(int(rnd(0)*26+65))
- 3295 ifp$(a,r,c)="@"thenp$(a,r,c)=chr$(int(rnd(0)*26+65))
- 3300 print" "p$(a,r,c);:nextc:print
- 3305 print#1,spc(06)r;:forc=0to9:print#1," "p$(a,r,c);
- 3310 nextc:print#1,spc(18)r;:forc=0to9:print#1," "p$(a,r,c);:nextc:print#1
- 3315 print#2,spc(06)r;:forc=0to9:print#2," "p$(a,r,c);
- 3320 nextc:print#2,spc(18)r;:forc=0to9:print#2," "p$(a,r,c);:nextc:print#2
- 3325 next r
- 3330 return
- 3335 gosub3420:print"[197]rror:[158]is your printer turned on?":print
- 3340 for j=1to10:poke54296,15:fork=1to5:next:poke54296,0:fork=1to5:next:next
- 3345 fort=1to1000:next
- 3350 return
- 3355 for j=1to10:poke54296,15:fork=1to5:next:poke54296,0:fork=1to5:next:next
- 3360 return
- 3365 rem disk drive check
- 3370 close15:open15,dv,15:input#15,e,e$,t,s:close15:ife=0thenreturn
- 3375 gosub3355 :print:printe;e$;t;s
- 3380 print"[158][217]our disk drive is not ready! [208]lease";:print
- 3385 print"press [210][197][212][213][210][206][146][158] when disk drive is ready."
- 3390 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then3390
- 3395 open15,dv,15:input#15,e,e$,t,s:close15:ife=0thenreturn
- 3400 print"[211]orry about the drive problems!":fort=1to5000:next:goto120
- 3405 for j=1to10:poke54296,15:fork=1to5:next:poke54296,0:fork=1to5:next:next
- 3410 return
- 3420 rem teletype "ding"
- 3425 s=54272:forl=0to24:pokes+l,0:nextl
- 3430 pokes+1,70:pokes+5,9:pokes+15,70:pokes+24,15:pokes+4,21:fort=1to300:next
- 3435 pokes+4,20:fort=1to300:next
- 3440 return
- 3445 z$="":poke198,0:print"[159][164][146]";
- 3450 fora=1tole+1
- 3455 geta$:ifa$=""then3455
- 3460 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 3465 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157]";:a=a-1:z$=left$(z$,a-1):goto3455
- 3470 if(a=le+1)then3455
- 3475 if(nu)and((a$>="0")and(a$<="9"))then3490
- 3480 if(al)and((a$>="a"anda$<="z"))then3490
- 3485 goto3455
- 3490 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,0:print"[159][164][146]";:z$=z$+a$:next
- 3495 z$="":poke198,0:print"[159][164][146]";
- 3500 fora=1tole+1
- 3505 geta$:ifa$=""then3505
- 3510 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 3515 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157]";:a=a-1:z$=left$(z$,a-1):goto3505
- 3520 if(a=le+1)then3505
- 3525 if(nu)and((a$>="0")and(a$<="9"))then3545
- 3530 if(al)and((a$>=" "anda$<="/")or(a$>=":"anda$<="z"))then3545
- 3535 if(al)thenif(a$>="[193]"anda$<="[218]")then3545
- 3540 goto3505
- 3545 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,0:print"[159][164][146]";:z$=z$+a$:next
- 5000 data3,4,8,r,r,p,y,l,a,y
- 5001 datab,w,0,m,c,z,u,f,3,f
- 5002 data3,n,d,g,2,8,j,z,l,g
- 5003 datab,p,q,x,a,h,j,x,v,1
- 5004 datav,d,0,k,s,3,l,6,7,v
- 5005 datau,0,h,m,y,b,k,9,s,a
- 5006 dataf,c,k,y,c,y,h,e,o,3
- 5007 datag,s,5,f,s,p,o,x,g,y
- 5008 datau,i,t,f,w,c,m,h,0,r
- 5009 datay,c,f,q,m,a,x,d,c,u
- 5010 data5,t,a,n,1,i,j,m,4,b
- 5011 datak,d,l,g,j,o,6,c,p,2
- 5012 datav,s,e,f,l,x,2,2,i,g
- 5013 data0,k,5,h,4,q,5,s,4,3
- 5014 datab,0,8,7,h,e,p,b,u,b
- 5015 datav,x,o,l,a,i,o,y,4,3
- 5016 datah,8,t,k,g,l,f,q,7,t
- 5017 data7,k,p,f,n,f,l,b,d,9
- 5018 data6,8,o,9,v,g,8,d,r,l
- 5019 datag,t,q,s,w,c,j,u,i,i
- 5020 datan,d,0,c,q,b,5,a,x,t
- 5021 datar,g,p,g,k,1,m,o,v,p
- 5022 data0,h,b,i,4,i,n,u,v,1
- 5023 data4,v,c,s,q,g,h,k,i,k
- 5024 datay,3,9,1,a,6,q,4,h,c
- 5025 datay,1,w,e,r,i,j,z,5,5
- 5026 datau,u,a,7,5,b,k,1,w,y
- 5027 data3,p,9,k,a,0,s,r,u,d
- 5028 data9,h,m,8,1,u,5,y,7,p
- 5029 datal,1,z,2,v,4,d,7,e,z
- 5030 datau,q,0,z,y,l,g,j,e,l
- 5031 dataw,w,m,l,3,8,p,2,m,f
- 5032 datas,o,l,r,q,n,q,9,h,n
- 5033 datah,v,d,p,g,8,c,n,b,i
- 5034 datak,s,2,x,k,x,g,u,e,v
- 5035 datao,k,1,u,g,c,l,w,9,b
- 5036 datap,q,7,c,s,l,g,3,o,g
- 5037 datac,i,0,d,1,g,c,l,i,b
- 5038 datal,m,o,c,z,n,6,f,g,u
- 5039 data0,b,k,i,g,t,i,t,t,v
- 5040 dataz,a,4,b,8,a,s,3,a,9
- 5041 datay,n,b,t,1,1,y,4,j,6
- 5042 datad,u,6,b,4,t,d,v,h,5
- 5043 dataz,t,1,6,c,x,p,l,v,h
- 5044 datae,y,b,d,h,d,7,s,1,d
- 5045 dataz,1,a,t,r,0,8,w,2,p
- 5046 data4,y,c,g,k,0,n,y,4,f
- 5047 data6,i,f,i,i,e,k,e,h,n
- 5048 datac,6,x,k,0,j,2,k,d,d
- 5049 dataq,6,n,l,f,o,q,8,3,5
- 5050 data3,z,f,f,x,k,t,d,r,b
- 5051 data0,i,i,h,a,q,d,x,q,4
- 5052 datak,8,8,z,t,g,w,3,j,w
- 5053 datag,2,b,a,v,9,v,l,e,4
- 5054 datan,g,c,c,7,o,4,i,b,r
- 5055 datar,t,9,s,m,f,t,5,a,g
- 5056 datax,b,0,0,k,z,7,f,b,r
- 5057 datao,b,i,y,1,j,4,d,8,b
- 5058 data2,l,5,t,z,b,u,3,o,r
- 5059 dataf,t,3,l,k,e,u,q,4,c
- 5060 datab,e,f,w,i,c,i,v,x,h
- 5061 datas,i,x,i,x,4,t,7,t,s
- 5062 data5,2,j,x,q,5,n,u,u,2
- 5063 datao,f,1,g,6,q,6,h,4,x
- 5064 datal,m,j,q,l,l,x,j,v,l
- 5065 datar,x,0,t,f,8,2,t,b,n
- 5066 data5,z,w,h,c,y,f,j,f,g
- 5067 datau,m,p,z,g,g,t,i,4,u
- 5068 data4,a,m,5,m,p,l,v,t,j
- 5069 data2,r,h,4,f,g,4,k,j,k
- 5070 datax,f,u,7,s,o,j,a,g,p
- 5071 data7,1,8,k,y,6,a,u,f,f
- 5072 data3,g,n,f,2,x,n,8,e,e
- 5073 datap,2,z,0,k,i,c,8,b,k
- 5074 dataj,8,w,1,r,c,l,m,a,c
- 5075 datah,v,c,f,l,j,m,0,p,x
- 5076 data9,t,v,f,c,a,j,u,i,p
- 5077 data2,h,n,7,h,8,z,c,6,z
- 5078 data5,a,q,d,f,9,d,y,u,d
- 5079 dataf,r,8,f,f,u,u,w,v,y
- 5080 dataq,p,c,f,2,s,9,3,h,t
- 5081 datai,z,f,k,x,t,6,g,3,f
- 5082 datab,7,i,x,6,u,v,h,g,c
- 5083 datay,w,9,t,g,2,a,d,i,x
- 5084 dataq,u,q,b,q,v,p,p,i,d
- 5085 datax,p,c,0,4,a,y,7,g,u
- 5086 data8,q,d,j,f,7,f,w,1,d
- 5087 dataq,p,9,u,v,u,d,6,8,c
- 5088 datau,w,e,z,n,x,l,t,9,x
- 5089 datam,y,8,3,x,m,m,v,m,6
- 5090 datal,1,r,o,s,m,u,z,b,l
- 5091 data7,p,z,3,d,t,1,i,3,e
- 5092 datah,6,a,l,t,x,9,4,x,0
- 5093 dataz,u,9,o,7,0,o,2,n,9
- 5094 data4,9,y,i,f,m,i,t,2,0
- 5095 datax,a,i,m,l,p,m,n,p,4
- 5096 data6,l,6,i,9,g,l,w,2,c
- 5097 datat,d,n,p,f,0,c,k,f,3
- 5098 datae,n,7,0,5,z,t,e,v,1
- 5099 datan,t,i,u,6,t,8,x,m,n
- 5100 data6,z,n,d,k,8,7,r,w,o